Friday, November 1, 2013

The Day I Was On Call

This morning at 3:58am the cell phone rang.  I always get anxious when someone calls so early (or late).  In the 2.352 seconds it takes to answer the phone, about 26 "worse case scenarios" rush through my mind.  Luckily, this call was a happy call:  my neighbor was in labor and her girls (2 and 4) were coming over.  By 4:10am the dad and midwife had delivered the girls to my basement futon and went back home to help deliver a new baby boy.

This mother is such a wonderful example to me and I felt so blessed to help out during such a beautiful time.  As I have become friends with this mother down the street over the last year (almost exactly), I have marveled at her parenting skills.  She is so calm and patient.  At first she seems like a bit of an introvert, but is really full of life and love.  She is extremely talented and enjoys sharing her gifts with others.  You can just feel the love she has for her husband and children and can't help but be happy and peaceful when you are around her.

It is partially because of this mother that I have really started to examine my own parenting on a daily basis.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to do better each day.  I am grateful for good examples of women around me.

So, here's to new days.

Here's to new and old friends.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

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