Friday, January 31, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Heat

It's been so cold.  I've been chilled to the bone.  When I'm cold, I tend to get cranky.

So, here's to hot cider.

Here's to warming the heart.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Organization

Why was I thankful, because this Old Navy did not have it.  Made me miss those and other stores that did.  I try to teach my children to keep things neat and tidy.  "A place for everything, everything in it's place" type thing.  Hopefully they'll catch on one day ;)

So, here's to cleaning up.

Here's to minor ocd.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Cold

The river is frozen with snow over it.  How cool is that?!

So, here's to obvious puns.

Here's to winter's beauty.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Chalk

I was at AC Moore one day looking for something for a Relief Society project and ended up changing plan when I found this chalkboard paper.  It was pre-cut into airplanes and clouds, but I knew there would be enough in scraps to do my project and the boys would enjoy the fun wall stickers they could write on.

I was right.  No.1 hasn't drawn on them much, but No.2 asks for "dalk" and goes to town.

So, here's to writing on walls.

Here's to not getting upset about it.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Boards

Mr. and I took No.1 to the slopes today.  We were so excited to share with him a sport we both enjoy (Mr. more than me as I am too frightened to go fast).  No.1 was all smiles and jitters.  He was nervous, but anxious to learn.  We enrolled him in a class; he was easily 5 years younger than the youngest student.  Mr. and I stayed around for about 15-minutes before going up the lift ourselves leaving No.1 on his own with his instructor.

We got 2 runs in before class was over.  We found No.1 at the tables looking distraught.  Poor kid didn't realize class was over and was feeling lost.  Luckily, he hadn't been there long.

No.1 was pretty sure he was done for the day, but after a hot lunch, he was ready to hit the slopes!  Hooray!

He was not ready for the lift to the top, so we spent the rest of the afternoon on the little hills (there was a moving carpet to take us up - so nice).

That little man showed no fear.  Sure, he took a few good falls, he cried a few good tears, but, well, just look at him.  He has his board parallel to the mountain and is zipping right down.  He innately understands the hip twist (I still turn my upper body and expect my board to move) and he, with instruction from Daddy, can balance on both edges of his board.

The slopes closed at 5, but we were all worn out by 4 (that was about 5.5 hours on the mountain).  What a day!  What an adventure it was to see No.1 take on something so foreign, and, frankly, dangerous.

So, here's to taking a few risks.

Here's to getting back up after a fall.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Meme's

I don't usually like meme's  (btw, I called them "Me-Me's" for, oh a good half year and Mr. only just recently informed me they are called Meem's; he was just getting such a kick out of my pronunciation!), but this one really rang true.  Not much more to add to that.

So, here's to teaching.

Here's to learning.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Drugs

No.2 has been running a low (101) fever since Thursday.  It went down on medicine and by Saturday, there was no sign of it until we were getting him ready for bed.  I decided I had better take him to the doc-in-the-box and see what they said.  Mr. wasn't convinced that it wasn't anything but a virus (No.2 had a bad cough and runny nose), but I felt like I should go.

So, 25-minutes before the doctor's office closed, I pulled in.  Luckily, they got us in pretty much right away.  After about 10-minutes, the AP came in.  She said the step was negative (yeah!), so she started listening and probing.  She looked in his right ear.  All  good.  She looked in his left ear.  YIKES!  The poor child had a pretty bad ear infection.

The prescription was filled there and we headed home.

I'm grateful for medications that can make us feel better, although No.2 would rather eat hard boiled eggs than take his medicine (and that's saying something).  Still...

So, here's to a spoon full of sugar.

Here's to listening to that inner voice.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Stickers

We received a Disney DVD promotional package in the mail today that included stickers.  No.2 "hurt" his foot and needed to put a "dicker" on his owie (he calls band-aids stickers).  I handed him the Disney sheet.  He decided both feet had owies and placed the stickers accordingly.  He felt better; he told me so.

Silly boy.

He then drew on himself with a pen while I put lunch away so the stickers came off and he went into the tub.  But those stickers, even for a short moment, served a purpose.  And for that I am thankful.

So, here's to free (and pretend) band-aids.

Here's to comfort.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Cinnamon Rolls

We've been stranded here at home, with the exception of yesterday's sledding outing, pretty much since last Saturday.  I love having No.1 home, and I will not complain about that.  I will complain about having to make up snow days.  Today's snow day make-up will be President's day.  And we probably will be closed again tomorrow so that will be made up on a teacher work day in March.  I guess I'll just have to get my No.1 time in now.  I get the make-up days, I do, but I so look forward to the days No.1 is home.


I made cinnamon rolls today.  I wasn't pay attention and doubled the butter in the bread, but they still turned out delicious (of's butter, duh!).  I don't often bake.  My mom was surprised once when I told her I was just finishing a 25lb bag of sugar that I opened two years prior.  But, like I said, we've been cooped up and I wanted something warm and yummy.

The boys were thrilled with my choice of sweet and I loved being able to provide it for them.  They don't always enjoy everything I make (heck, I don't always enjoy everything I make), but the thank you's I received for this will tie me over for a while.

So, here's to sweet boys.

Here's to sweet treats.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Sleds

We got about 3, maybe 4, inches of snow last night.  School was canceled today (as it was yesterday, even though it didn't start snowing until after lunch - the kids so could have gone to school for a 1/2 day, and it's canceled tomorrow as well), so we went to the park with our neighbors and went sledding down the big hills.

It was just a fun afternoon.  It caused No.2 to miss his nap, but he fell asleep after two songs (thank you, sleds).  It caused No.1 to get a stuffy nose (I know, I've read the articles about the cold not causing colds, too, but when he goes out healthy and comes back with a stuffy nose I have to wonder), but he had a blast and showed no fear (thank you, sleds).  It caused Mr. to miss out on a quiet day home from work, but he spent some great quality time with his boys (thank you, sleds).  It caused me to freeze off my fingers while taking too many pictures, but we have the documented memories (thank you, sleds).

So, here's to more snow (please?).

Here's to a fun day out.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Chinese

When Mr. and I lived in an apartment, and when it snowed, we would walk to the Chinese restaurant just outside our complex for diner (did you ever notice that Chinese restaurants never close!).  When we moved to a house, we were lucky to be able to continue our tradition.  It's a different Chinese restaurant, it's a bit farther, but the tradition holds.

This picture has some crazy snow overlay my phone automatically put on (I don't know how to change that), so don't let the snowfall pictured fool you.  It was TWICE as much - and windy!  The wind was at our back on the way there, so all was good.  By the time we finished our Singapore rice noodles, sweet and sour chicken, spring rolls, and Genral Tso chicken, the clouds dropped another inch and blew the wind even harder.  We walked home facing the wind.  No worries about our boys; we were all bundled up tight, but it was nice to come home.

No.1 was not pleased that No.2 was pulled in the sled on the way to the restaurant.  He tried to get on the sled a couple times.  Mr. yelled at him.  No.1 began to cry, that hurt-feeling cry, not spoiled-brat-who-didn't-get-his-way cry.  I walked hand-in-hand with him and explained that he had his turn to ride in the sled when we did this with him when he was No.2's age, but now he's bigger and it's No.2's turn to ride.  I don't know if he really understood (kids are so selfish, it's all about them, and I mean that nicely and scientifically), but he seemed to be comforted that I walked with him and tried to explain why things don't always appear to be fair.  He got to ride on the way home (more snow, sled wouldn't drag on pavement).

So, here's to fun traditions.

Here's to understanding.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Netflix

Oh. My. Starts!  Have you seen Call the Midwife?  It is fan-taaah-stick!  And it's based on a memoir.  I started watching it one day last week.  I think I'll finish the uploaded series tomorrow.  The new season starts in March.  Can't wait.

I love having Netflix on our devices.  Oftentimes, we'll lie in our bed with our boys and Mr. and I will watch some cartoon (Thomas, Phineas and Ferb, etc) with the boys.  I love those moments I can just cuddle in bed with my boys and have those minutes of quiet and closeness. 

I save my Netflix time mostly for after bed, but sometimes, like with Call the Midwife, I can't pull myself away, so I wait until the boys are enjoying time playing in their rooms or the basement.  Sometimes, No.1 will come to me and ask to play with him.  I usually go and play, but sometimes I get a bit selfish and tell him to wait.  It won't kill him, I know, but I do feel guilty.  I know, I know, "you need your own time, too".  But do I really need to watch Call the Midwife, a show I don't want my children watching (there's births - pretty non-graphic, but I'm not ready to explain that to them, yet), when it can be put on hold to come back to later?  No.

So, here's to some "me" time.

Here's to more "them" time.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Church

Our little dollhouse church is just about the cutest little LDS chapel you have ever seen.  It's just like a stake center, but mini.  I have the privilege to attend this tiny building each Sunday.  Mr and I both serve in callings in the church (ward mission leader, Relief Society President - respectivly).  The boys attend Primary/Nursery.  I help out with with hymns, playing the "organ" (in quotes because it's really a glorified electric piano - and not even one of the good ones), and I either sing, play for, or direct the choir.

Today, our choir sang a song about temples (this month's sacrament meeting theme).  It was a beautiful number and the choir did a nice job (we're no Mo-Tab, but we really do do our best).  I was able to sit in for a bit on a Sunday school class while my boys were attending their classes.  I filled out paper work for my calling, paid tithing, and played the hymns in Relief Society.  I directed choir after church then headed home.

All-in-all, I was at church for 5-hours (I had an 8am meeting, church was from 9-12, choir ended at 1).  Some people might think I'm crazy for staying at church so long on "the day of rest."  Truth is, it's always a peaceful place.  Why wouldn't I like being there.  Sure, my home is a wonderful place to be, but I don't mind, and kind of even like, being at church for hours upon hours.

I know that when I am there, I am doing exactly what the Savior and Heavenly Father want me to be doing.  I know that the other people within those walls love my family.  I feel safe there.  I feel the Spirit there.  I may be running around second hour (Sunday school hour) getting things done for RS, but still feel peace.

I pray that my sons will love being at church.  I want them to love the gospel and see the importance in the church attendance.  I pray that I will be able to instill in their hearts the sacredness of our chapel.  Right now, the best way I can do that is to always walk my talk and attend all my church meeting with joy.

So, here's to tiny buildings.

Here's to doing what's right.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Belts

Karate belts, that is.  No.1 tested for his first time at this level today.  He did a pretty good job.  We saw where we need to work (mabu stance, hand sets, 24b), and we saw where he excels (balance, jabs, roundhouse).  I'm proud of this little guy.  He complains some times (like Thursday's sparing when he got kicked hard), but we don't let him quit because of a few hard times.  Stick it out and it'll be worth it.

So, here's to more kicks.

Here's to more giggles.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Cots

My in-laws are up here for the weekend and are sleeping in No.1's room.  SO, No.1 is sleeping in No.2's room on a cot.  Well, that cot sure got a lot of use tonight.

At first I allowed No.2 to sit on the cot while we read scriptures and books. I told him it was time to get in his own bed after books, but No.1 said he could stay.  I said, OK.  While I was getting No.2 situated with his head and pillow at the opposite end of the slim, but long, cot, I had to remind him several times to stop kicking (intentional and unintentional) No.1.  No.1 then said, "I don't mind."  What a patient young man I have.

Untimately, No.2 did not stay on the cot and it took a while to get both boys settled down and asleep, but it still was so nice No.1 was willing to share with his brother.  So, I'm not actually grateful for the cot so much as I am grateful for brotherhood and my sweet boys, but, still, I would not have thought of this today had it not been for the cot.

So, here's to future sleepovers (with siblings only).

Here's to kindness.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for the Temple

We started our 2014 Enrichment year off by introducing our theme for this year:  I love to see the Temple, I'm Going There.  My friend and temple worker spoke to us for the first 1/2 of the evening.  She asked us to think of our most favorite temple and why it is important to us.  Mine is the Washington DC temple because it was the first temple I ever went through (1st youth temple trip from PA when I was 12).  I vowed that I would get married there, no matter where I lived.  It would be a destination wedding if needed.  Luckily, I married a Virginian and so it made sense to get married there.

She read a quote from a temple's dedication.  In the quote the GA said, "Angels attend every door."  I love that!  The temple is a place of peace and refuge from the world and to think that I pass by angels as I enter is just beautiful to me.  This picture is the plaque my friends were working on together.

I do love to see the temple, and I hope that I can walk my talk (especially as RS Pres.) and attend more regularly.  I know when I do go, I feel happier, no big grow-up words, no great explanations, I just feel happier, and that results in me being a better wife and mother.

So, here's to the temple.

Here's to going there.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Science

Remember the day the boys worked so nicely together to build a volcano.  Well, today we let it off.  It's amazing what a little baking soda and stinky vinegar can do for little boys.  "Again!  Do it again!"

I love seeing my sons excited.  It's always so innocent and just plain adorable to see them discover the world and what makes it tick.

So, here's to greater discovery.

Here's to making messes in do so.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Lunch

I hosted playgroup today: 6 adults and 12 children.  It was nice to have so many over to play.  No.2 has such a hard time sharing his toys, though.  He does fine (well, as well as a 2-year old can) at other people's homes with sharing, but he really struggled with it today when it was HIS toys being passed around.  I spent a quarter of my time telling him not to take, to share, to be nice, etc.  So, when everyone was gone and NO.2 was in bed, I made myself a nice lunch and enjoyed the quiet and calm.  My double egg-white omelet with cheese, tomato, spinach, and 1/2 an avocado was just the thing I needed.  It was delicious.

So, here's to good food.

Here's to quiet moments to enjoy good food.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Chopsticks

 It was errand day.  After helping out at No.1's school for an hour or so, No.2 and I headed into town to spend some money.  Some money was spent at a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch.

Our lunch arrived (pad thi to split) and I dished some up for him onto the plate left over from our garden rolls.  I cut it up and handed NO.2 a fork.

He looked at me - almost hurt.  Then he said, "Dwy?"  He was pointing at my chopsticks.  We have let him try chopsticks several times at home, but he mostly just pokes at the food.  I told him he could just use his fork.  "No!  Dwy!"  So, I handed over those sticks.

He put both in one hand, made sure they were crossed, squeezed under the X and began to eat his lunch...WITH chopsticks!

I am sure the people in the restaurant thought I was awfully silly taking so many pictures and video of my son eating, but it was WITH chopsticks, people!

I'm glad I let him try.  I'm so glad he succeeded.

So, here's to going out on a limb.

Here's to allowing failure, but loving success.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Bubble Wrap

I looked out my front door window and saw a box.  Another gift from my brother and his wife for the boys (running late in the mail).  The book of Mr. Men are great, but this bubble wrap instantly grabbed No.2's attention.  If I could have (and stand) a room full of bubble wrap, I would.  What fun it was to see No.2 and later No.1 jump and pop all the little bubbles.

So, here's to periodic noise.

Here's to constant laughter.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for the Croods

No, this is not my picture, so, technically, I didn't take a picture today, but I "saved" a picture today.  Regardless, I'm thankful for this movie.  Why?  Sure it's funny, sure it's clean, sure it has something for everyone, but I am most thankful for the laughs it brings around our home because of three simple syllables:  Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUH!

That little sloth says this throughout the movie at various times of uncertainty.  My boys have picked up on it and say it all the time.  What made me think of this as my gratitude example today was when No.2 called up the stairs, "Dinner Dime!"  (It wasn't, you see as soon as I start preparing dinner he calls everyone to the table.)  Then he followed it with "Dun dun DUUUUUUUUUH!"  I laughed at this because dinner was a semi experiment: frozen butter chicken sauce from when I made it fresh; wasn't sure how it would turn out.  That little doomsday ending to No.2's invite to dinner just made me giggle.

I appreciate wholesome movies we can enjoy as a family.  I'm glad my children are learning nice things from tv and family time.  I am thankful for silly boys.

So, here's to more silliness.

Here's to more good shows.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

PS.  Dinner was delicious!

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Birds

As I was growing up, my dad always made sure, wherever we lived, to feed the birds.  I remember sitting at the dinner table watching birds out our sliding glass doors or sitting backward on a couch and peering out a picture window at the little birds pecking at seeds.  At one of our homes, we had some pretty greedy Blue Jays.  They would bully the little finches and chickadee's, chasing them away from the food.  My dad had a great idea to nail some peanuts to the deck and tie others with fishing line.  We laughed and laughed as those big bullies would try to pick up those nailed peanuts (think about the quarter-glued-to-the-sidewalk gag) and then nearly die laughing when a Jay picked up a tethered peanut, flew away with great pride in his final success, then had it yanked out of its mouth.  You could almost see the complete confusion on the birds face.  Mean?  Not really. We wanted to feel ALL the birds.

Anyway, I have always tried to have a bird feeder since being away from home.  We most recently had our squirrel proof ($$) feeder destroyed by a dog we were dog-sitting a couple months ago, so I've resorted to an old plate.  Today it was rainy and cold (no school because of ice), so I set the plate of seed just outside our French doors.  It didn't take long for the little birdies to spread the news.  It was fun to watch the birds with the boys.  I definitely received more satisfaction than they did, but I hope that as they grow, they will remember feeding the birds and have feeders in their yards one day.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for MP3's

I have my old (and only) mp3 player in No.2's room.  I have downloaded pretty much all the Primary Songbook songs onto it and it plays, if not all day, at least during quiet nap times and bedtime.

I enjoy listening to the music as I read him books and play in his room.  I don't think this is the sole reason he knows primary songs, we have a great music leader at church, but I'd like to think it's helping.  Sometimes I'll sing along and talk about the songs with No.2.  I like to think he's listening.

Primary songs are the beginning to testimonies.  It's the simplest ways to teach about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, baptism, the scriptures, and other gospel principles.  It is words for our feelings.

These songs bring peace.  It is really hard to yell at your children when you hear "Give Said the Little Stream" or "I Love to See the Temple" or (guilt trip) "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" playing in the home.

So, here's to more music.

Here's to more testimony.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Trains

No.2 and I had a lot of quality time together today.  It was only interrupted by loading and unloading laundry (I saved the folding for after bedtime).  We played a bit of Wack-a-Mole, but settled on trains.  We took apart tracks, built new, lego trains, Thomas trains.  Trains, trains, trains.

While we were playing, No.2 all of a sudden said/sang, "Duuuuuh-n-beam!"  I realized he was singing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam", so I sang prompts and he filled in the empty words.  After a couple rounds of "Duuuuuuh-n-beam", I attempted "I Am a Child of God".  I was surprised he could fill in the blanks with that one as well!  What a smart boy.  We continued this song game a few more times with the two songs.  He was so smiley and happy to play along.  It touches my heart that he's singing such wonderful songs. 

I am grateful for days where my home requires less of me, and my children can get pretty much all of me.  I realize the choice is ultimately mine, though dishes do pile up, dust collects, toilets soil (only girl here, people!), but when I do make time for my men and don't look for the little things around the house to fix that would take my attention away from my family, I actually feel more fulfilled - like I've actually accomplished something that day.

So, here's to time.

Here's to accomplishments.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Cold

I use to attend college in Rexburg, ID.  It is down-right frigid from the end of September to late April.  I remember walking uphill to class before 8am, leaning into the wind, bundled up so tight my body was warm, but the exposed skin on my face burned as the wind whipped it and froze my watery eyes into squinty slits.  I loved it!

Today, while existing in a portion of a "polar vortex", I experienced Rexburg again.

The cold allowed me to show No.1 a couple of cool (get it?) tricks.  First, before breakfast, I boiled water and he watched the steam turn into instant snow powder in the 10-degree morning chill.  Later, before getting in the car to go get pizza, I blew bubbles and set a few on the banister of the porch.  Instantly they began to freeze.  It was amazing!

What fun is was to share those little bits of fun science!

So, here's to exploration.

Here's to learning.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Daddy Time

Some days I just can't do it all.  Tonight while I was making dinner (or at least trying to), No.2 was having a fit, No.1 was not focusing on his (way too easy for him) homework, and I couldn't find a half-second to read the new recipe.  When No.1 finally finished his 3 math problems, Mr. came down, sat at the table, and played magnets with the boys.  They created cars and tractors for a good 15-minutes.  Long enough to get the casserole in the oven.

It is important to have individual time with parents and individual parents to have time with them.

So, here's to keeping little feet out of the kitchen.

Here's to parental team-work.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Tip-It


After dinner and the kitchen was cleaned we got together as a family and played Tip-It.  It's a pretty intense game, even though it's for kids.  The first game, No.1, Mr. and I played and I allowed No.2 to spin for me.  The next game, No.2 played and after holding the tree for the first few times, I allowed him to go it on his own.  He did it!

I like playing games as a family.  We don't do this often enough.

So, here's to more family game nights.

Here's to just having fun.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Imagination

This little man and I were playing in his room when all of a sudden he left.  I stayed and waited for him to return.  When he did (about 2 minutes later), he had the little kitchen play phone and was talking away into it.  He was telling the person about his trains, how he was playing with his "guys" (little people), and about the snow.  He left silent pauses to allow the for response from the person and even at times pretended to be thinking about what they were saying.  I asked him who he was speaking to.  His answer, "Gahma" (Grandma).  He spoke for another 5 or so minutes, said good by, and put the phone down.

I love that children have such wonderful imaginations.  I find that is not one of my strengths.  I don't really think it ever has been.  I'm pretty literal, but rather creative.  I don't know how that works, but I can create things, yet struggle to play house.  Still, I'm glad to try my best and play along with my children as they create imaginary worlds and scenarios.  I'm sure they're actually just putting up with me, and being polite about it all.  :)

So, here's to thinking outside the box.

Here's to stretching my imagination.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Snow

The farmer's almanac lies.  That's all I can say.  The farmer said we'd get tons of snow already this year, but it only just arrived today.  But it's here, and for that I am grateful.

We bundled the boys up for a jaunt in the snow.  They sledded and ran through the powder for 30-minutes then called it quits.  It took 15-minutes to get them ready!  Still, I'm glad they enjoyed themselves.

I love how the snow makes the world seem so fresh and new.  A white blanket of snow that covers all the dead leaves is just so beautiful.  It reminds me of baptism and repentance.

So, here's to powder.

Here's to a making anew.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Courage

No.1 was invited to go skating with a school friend.  I was so thrilled to see No.1 try this not so easy sport.  He loved it (though around his friend who was having a hard time and hating it, he hated it - empathy?)  He told Mr. that when we go skating next time, he'll be better than Mr.!  So funny!

So, here's to new adventures.

Here's to giving it a try.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Cooperation

No.1 received a volcano making set for his birthday from a school friend.  Her mom was nervous about the gift and told me afterwards that her daughter had insisted that No.1 would love it.  I assured her that he would and told her it would be a great Christmas Break activity.  It was!  And it wasn't only great for No.1, but for No.2 as well.  No.1 is so good at sharing with his brother.  No.1 taught No.2 how to wet the plaster strips and allowed him to place several on the mold.  Great teamwork, boys!

So, here's to winter crafts.

Here's to no "I" in team.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.