Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Day I Called and Called and Called

Today is my mom's birthday.  She's a pretty awesome lady.  I called in the morning to wish her a happy birthday.  No answer.  So I tried her cell later on.  No answer.  Finally, I tried her home line again this afternoon.  No answer.  So the boys and I sang "Happy Birthday" to her onto her answering machine.  That'd have to do.

The boys and I made a cd for her.  I played and sang "O, that I were and Angel" (the verse she read when she finally prayed about the truthfulness of the gospel), and put two other songs on that I played, then No.1 played one of his piano numbers, then No.2 played the piano.  I hope she likes it.  A lot of heart went into it.

I am grateful for my mom and her example of living the gospel.  We all have our issues (you may remember from my first post I said I got my temper from her), but when the good outweigh the bad so much, you really see the forest and not just the trees.

So, here's to a Happy Birthday, Mom!

Here's to teaching the importance of a heart-felt gift.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

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