Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Healing

So, the other day I sat down on a sled at the top of our front steps preparing to slide down as I had several times before.  The difference was this time it was a sled, the other times it had been a disc.  I said to Mr. right before I went down, "I don't feel right about this."  I should have trusted myself, but I went down.  I went down right into the railing.  Our front steps have two sections of rail and I took out every baluster on my way.  I hit the bottom post and flipped myself out onto the ground.  (I could have continued on down the track, but I was in pain!)

I laid in the snow for about 30-seconds before hobbling into the house.  Mr. and I laughed and laughed, but inside I cried - I was hurt.

So, this is the result of my accident.  I didn't go to the doctors, of course, but I'm pretty sure I have a deep muscle bruise and hematoma on my upper thigh.  I can't sleep on my left side (my usual side).  I can't sit Indian style.  I can't roll around on the floor with the boys.  It hurts.  But I know it is healing.  I know it's healing because the bruising is changing.  It's massive (about the side of my hand) and swollen, but it's healing.

I'm grateful for a healthy body.  I hope I am an example to my boys of maintaining a healthy lifestyle (I could exercise, I guess...).

So, here's to getting better.

Here's to being better.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

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