Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Day I Was Grateful for Sparring

No.1 is not aggressive in karate, but today that changed.  He was on the attack.  I hope this continues.  He's very much a follower and I see how kids take advantage of that.  I can't step in a cover for him all the time because he does need to stand up for himself and his things.  So, I hope karate has a positive affect on him.  I'm not saying he should kick and punch when others try to bully him, there are other ways to handle that - at first, but I do want him to be able to speak up.  Mr. and I talk with No.1 after bullying episodes, we encourage him to speak up and not follow when others are doing wrong.  I just hope he really gets it one day.

So, here's to defending yourself and your stuff.

Here's to being brave.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

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