Mr. and I took separate cars to church today because he (for once) had an early morning meeting and I didn't (wooohooooo!). It was pouring when the boys and I arrived so we quickly left the car and ran into the building leaving the boy's "church bags" in the car.
I thought about it for a split second and within that same split second I thought, "let's see how they do."
They did great!
I know when I grew up we had paper, pencil, the Friend, and maybe a book or two. As I look around our chapel each Sunday I see dolls, cars, food, crafts, TABLETS! (don't get me started), and other things in addition to the lone and unused paper, pencil, Friend, and book(s).
I realize each family has their own method to keeping their children quiet and I'm fine with that (except playing games on the tablets - come one people!, oh, wait, I'm not getting started on that......ahem), and I also realize that too often I'm entertaining my children during sacrament meeting instead of teaching them how to listen and think about the talks and the sacrament itself.
I think we might "accidentally" leave the church bags in the car again next week. Today might have been a fluke, but, then again, it might not have been.
So, here's to greater respect for the chapel.
Here's to greater reverence.
And here's to a Better Mommy Me.
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