Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Day I Didn't Go to Church

Our bishop decided due to pending weather we should cancel church.  Personally I think he wanted a day off, ha-ha (the weather was not bad).  But because church was canceled, I had to stop a thought in it's tracks.

No.1, upon hearing that church was canceled got bright eyes.  I quickly looked at him and told him it was weather related and that it wasn't normal to cancel church and that it wasn't an option on ordinary days.

One of my greatest fears is that my children will fall away from the gospel.  I pray that they gain a strong testimony of its truths and live them daily.  It's a hard thing to do when cousins cut out after sacrament meeting or don't attend at all. 

No.1 questions why his cousins aren't at church.  I use to make up excuses because I wanted him to still see them as examples, but now I just tell him the core of it all:  everyone has choices to make and they don't always choose to come to church; we choose to attend and it makes us happy.

I hear stories of parents whose children rebel around the teen years, have sons and daughters who question things and falter, but I have never experienced it.  I have known from a very early age that this gospel brings happiness and joy and peace and it is real and that I wouldn't have it any other way.  It's not like my parents were all "you WILL go to church" and "you WILL read the scriptures", it was just something I've always wanted to do.

I guess all I can do it show my boys the joy that I receive from living the commandments, from repentance, and from knowing the gospel is true, that we have a Savior, that we are an eternal family.

So, here's to good examples.

Here's to blessed testimony.

And here's to a Better Mommy Me.

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