Soccer is done!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!
Today was the last game of the season and no one could have been happier than me, except maybe No.1. We now have our Tuesdays and Saturdays back which means more family time, more play time for No.1, more gas in our car.
As I was reflecting on our week, I really noticed that No.1's schedule has more schedule than not and 6-year olds need some free time to just play and explore. Well, tonight I think he really felt the weight of his rather rigorous schedule lighten. He played Legos, he ran around outside, he made paper airplanes. He just seemed more free. And I loved watching him do whatever. He was being a kid. It was refreshing.
Sometimes I make No.1 do things just because I know that it is good for him (clean his room, gather trash, practice piano), and sometimes I make him do things just because I want him to try it out (eat kale, play a new game, practice piano), and sometimes I make him do things because I sort of hope to live vicariously through him (take dance, join gymnastics, practice piano - oh, wait I did that). Of course, I don't truly want to live vicariously through my child, I'm not a crazy stage mom (dance was really a movement class and the only thing in town offered to tots, gymnastics was because he is a crazy climber and has no fear), but I do sometimes have him do things because I want him to do them. Still, I need to evaluate every activity I have him involved in and only keep him going if it really is what is best for him.
I don't know that he'll be involved in a team sport in the spring, but he will start swim team at the beginning of summer (he's taken lessons since 2, but needs something to push his development in the water - oh, and he actually loves swimming; it's like play). I am happy he played soccer. He learned a lot about being a member of a team, but I'm ok if he never wants to step on a soccer field again :).
So, here's to no more soccer.
Here's to giving things a try.
And here's to a Better Mommy Me.
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