No.1 has had a loose tooth since, well, who knows when. His teeth get loose, then take F-O-R-E-V-E-R to fall out. For example, his first tooth was loose in November and he didn't lose it until May!
Today, after judging it was loose enough to try tying a string to it, No.1 said he was ready to give it a try. He originally wanted to try the door slam method, but then I had an idea. We tied a stack of 7 hardbound books to the loose end of the dental floss. I handed him the stack of books and, while filming the event, encouraged him to drop the books.
A few times he hesitated. I could tell he wanted to go through with it, but he was nervous. I told him that if he really wanted to do it to just count to 3 and drop the books. He took a breath, then 1 - 2 - 3, the books were down and his first upper central incisor was out!
We laughed, he ate some ice cream, we put the tooth in his monster tooth pillow, and the tooth fairy delivered a gold dollar.
As I reflect on those three quick seconds, I can see how No.1 took charge, took responsibility, and took courage. He was in control and followed through with his goal. Although I may be stubborn and determined, I'm not always courageous. I don't always possess that mental strength to persevere. Sure, it was just a tooth, but No.1 was so nervous and despite his nerves, he followed through.
So, here's to courageous perseverance.
Here's to lessons from 6-year olds.
And here's to a Better Mommy Me.
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