Today as I was cleaning up the kitchen counter, I went through a pile of magazines that had piled up. They included 1 Allrecipies, 2 National Geographics, 3 Parenting, 4 Ensigns and Friends. I decided to toss all of the magazines I wouldn't have time to read: Allrecipes and National Geographic that I had already flipped through and the Ensigns - I could read them online, besides I needed to read Parenting to get help in, well, parenting.
Plop! In they went. The Friends were put in with church bags and Parenting was taken to my room. Ah! A clean, uncluttered counter.
Then it hit me.
Why did I throw out the Ensign?
I had thought to myself that I needed to keep Parenting, but wouldn't the contents of the Endign help with parenting more in the long run than the kiddie crafts, silly stories, and "expert" advice found in Parenting?
I kicked myself for being so foolish. What better way to discover how to be a better parent than the words of later-day prophets, apostles, and sincere deciples of Christ? That's not to say Parenting will no longer be received in this house, but if I had to choose a parenting magazine to really invest my time in, it would have to be the Ensign.
So, from here on out I vow to read the entire Ensign before throwing it out. I promise to read those Ensigns I tossed online. And I will try harder to keep my reading priorities straighter so I don't have to kick myself in the rear again.
Here's to a less black and blue bum.
And here's to a Better Mommy Me.
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