Have you ever been driving and all of a sudden you notice you're 10-miles further down the road than you thought you were and you wonder what you were doing (besides driving) those last 10-miles? Well, that was me today.
Of course, now that I'm really trying to think about my day, I recall changing light bulbs, doing laundry, setting up a new baby gate, washing window sills, putting lamps in No.1's room, making lunch, phoning my mom and sister, school runs, soccer practice, homework and piano, yahdee yahdee yahdah.
But those were all memories of doing.
A thought just now comes to mind. "To be, or not to be." I always thought that had to do with being alive or dead (having not truly studied the whole of Hamlet), but now I think it means to be alert and alive in the moment, or to just go about doing.
I think it is a choice to be, or not to be. I chose to just get things done, to just check things off my to-do list, to just do and so I missed out on the blessing of being. So, although I still have things to do each day, I will strive to turn off auto pilot and actually be there in those moments. I don't want my boys growing up to say, "Yeah, my mom was always around, but that's about it."
So, here's to choosing to be.
And here's to a Better Mommy Me.
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