No, I didn't travel back in time and capture this sweet girl peeking out of a closet, but I did travel over the world wide web and found it, and others, along with lots of news about the passing of this wonderful girl.
When I about 12, my grandmother gave me the movie Dimples for my birthday. She said she loved my dimples so much and Shirley Temple had such great dimples, this movie reminded her of me. That was the first in my collection of Shirley Temple movies. I remember watching Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm and Heidi and The Little Princess (over and over) before that birthday, but Dimples was the first in my personal collection. I now own all of her works from childhood Fox released in a special VHS format. (Ooooh, VHS!)
So, I am grateful for Shirley Temple Black. She filled my youth with wonderful memories. You can't watch her and not feel happy. She is a great example of a hard worker as she was always on top of it on the screen and, as an adult, in her political career.
Shirley Temple passes away today. She will be missed, but her legacy lives on for me to share with my children.
So, here's go pure tv.
Here's to pure people.
And here's to a Better Mommy Me.
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